Holne village hall is situated right in the heart of the village, opposite the pub. It is available to book for parishoners and non-parishoners alike.
Booking the hall
To apply to book the hall, simply use the calendar and online booking form below: just click the green 'plus' to create a booking.
Alternatively contact Tim Crook-Giles (Booking clerk) on: 07734308598 or email [email protected]
£7 per hour for parishioners
£10 per hour for non-parishioners
Click here to see conditions of hire and other documents.
Hall location
Holne, Newton Abbot TQ13 7SL
W3W: ///shrub.hint.smile
Grid ref: SX 70620 69477
Our Facilities
- The main hall measures 11.5m x 6m
- Wheelchair accessible
- Heated by both gas boiler radiators and electric resistive
- Separate mens' and ladies' WC (ladies' doubles as the disabled access toilet)
- Direct fire door access to the car park
- Parking for 12 cars (also open to the village unless by prior arrangement)
- 50 chairs
- 10 aluminium tables
- 8 card tables
- Kitchen facilities with microwave and fridge
- 1x full size, folding table tennis table
Holne village hall history
At the heart of the village, the Hall was originally built in 1835 as a school with a thatched roof, later enlarged and slated, and used as such until 1946. From then until 1951 it was in the care and ownership of the Church and only used for occasional meetings.
In 1952, after refurbishment, the building was opened as a Village Hall and, after a lease of 21 years, the Church agreed to sell the Hall to the Village Hall Management Committee, a registered charity.
In Sept 1998 a generous bequest was made to the Hall by John and Anne Pearce Gould, thus putting the Hall on a secure financial footing. Income is mainly derived from hire charges and regular fund raising events that occur throughout the year eg the plant sale.
Holne Village Hall Management Committee 2024
Chairmen / Bookings Tim Crook-Giles 07734308598
Treasurer Adam Nott
Secretary Rebecca Scott
Parish Council Tim Crook-Giles 01364631366
PCC Rebecca Scott 01364 631640
Soup lunch Maggie Arden 01364 631438
Declarations by charity Trustees
Declaration of acceptance of Office and Trustee Statement of Eligibility and responsibility